Mittwoch, 1. August 2012

Back from vacation

So the summer time is over for me - as far as vacation is meant. The vacation with the kids from Switzerland was amazing. But not only that I had a nice time with them, they brought me some foam plates and other stuff which is hard to get here.
Anyway, I promised to publish some better pictures from my last photo shooting. You remember this grey unclear picture I posted. 
So what was it? Yes it is an American Bunker from World War II.
The Bunker is located close to San Francisco and was if I’m right a kind of command post for the big guns at the entrance of the San Francisco port.
So here are some more pictures. I know the quality is not that good, but that day it was fucky and raining. I hope you like them anyway.

Here is the link to the folder with all pictures:

14/52 Obice da 305/17 WWI gun

Obice da 305/17, Mörser aus dem 1. Weltkrieg in 1/144 Ich weiss auch nicht so recht, wie es gekommen ist, ich sollte andere Modelle zeichnen...